Data Mining of Information Flow
– Phone Traffic Space and Phone Traffic Map of Japan古藤浩
KOTOH Hiroshi長谷川文雄
HASEGAWA FumioAbstract: In this paper, we discuss tendencies
of telephone call frequencies in Japan. In our
analysis, we developed a new data-visualization
method using backward-calculated distances
from gravity model. Tendencies of phone traffic
data seem to follow the gravity model as a whole,
but if we analyze details, the tendencies are very
complicated. The reason might be influences of big
cities or regional geographical features. We do not
develop a model that explains the general phone
traffic structure, but we develop a new method for
visualizing the regional structre of phone-traffic.
We use the gravity model as a basis, and using the
concept of backward-calculated distance. Finally,
the multi-dimensional scaling method is applied
for visualizing the data. The concept of back-ward
calculated distance was developed by Plane(1984),
in analyzing the migration space. Our method is
unique because we apply the backward calculated
distance into multi dimensional scaling method.
We calculated distances from non-constrained
gravity model, and it enables us to analyze
regional structure in many aspects simply. We
analyze Japanese phone traffic data which is
between 567 MAs’.-