


─ その1 『日本民俗学』の「特集 日本民俗学の研究動向」を中心に─
The History of “Livelihood Research” in Japan
Folklore Academia
─ Part1 Focusing on ‘Research Trends in

The ultimate goal of this study would be to find a
way to solve the problems that the region where
I live is currently experiencing.
The area that I live in is on a decline trend due to
“ageing” and “population outflow”. This problem is
a common problem in the hilly and mountainous
areas of Japan. One way of this problemsolving is
for people to be able to maintain a livelihood in
their respective regions. The method to discover is
important in that one most know the occupation
supeople have continued up to now. One important
approach to know this is “livelihood research”.
In this paper it was analyzed as the subject of the
history of “livelihood research” in Japan folk
academia in order to discover the “research
methods” suitable for the purpose.
As a result, the author found a possibility for this
method presented in several theories since the
1990s. These theories are knownas “ecology
folklore,” “environment folklore”, and “natural
history of folklore”.The method being presented
by these theories is not sufficient for this study.
But it may be possible to create a new approach
in this study by combining methods that have
been proposed. Pursuit of that possibility is the
aim of future research


生業研究=Livelihood research、
生態民俗学=Ecology folklore、
環境民俗学=Environment folklore、
民俗自然誌=Natural history of Folklore

