


―『グスコーブドリの伝記』に描かれた生業と生活の姿 ―
A Life Magazine Written by Kenji Miyazawa
─ Some Aspects of the Daily Labor and Lives Depicted in “Biography of Gusuko Budor


The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that Kenji
Miyazawa’s fairy tale, “Biography of GusukoBudori,” is
imaginarily constructed from the actual lives of people in
Iwate Prefecture.
The analysis of this paper is conducted in the following
steps: first, the fictional places such as “forests,” “fields,”
and “cities” in Miyazawa’s fairy tale are considered not
just as geographical names but as abstract embodiments
of where people actually lived. Second, the various techniques
of subsistence that are extracted from his depiction
of people’s lives in the tale are examined with reference to
the actual statistical data and historical documents on agricultural
techniques. As a result, it turns out that the
world described in his work fairly accurately reflects the
contemporary real-life practices in Iwate Prefecture from
the late Meiji period to the early Showa period, during
which Miyazawa lived. In other words, “Biography of
GusukoBudori” is a “life record focusing on people’s daily
labor,” which is described as a group of people living in
the era when this tale was written.
Moreover, Budori, a technologist, is given the dual role
in this tale, both a person responsible for supporting agricultural
practices in “forests” and “fields” and a person responsible
for the stability of people’s daily lives.
These considerations suggest that it was Miyazawa’s
honest attempt to depict imageries of integrated “agriculture”
comprised of both science technology and labor
techniques. I conclude that this is what Miyazawa intends
to offer in “Biography of GuskoBudori.”


“Biography of GusukoBudori”, Kenji Miyazawa, subsistence, life

