


― 地域史研究のために民俗学の立場からできること ―
An Ethnography about the Creation of the Nembutsu Memorial Stone
─ What Folklore Researchers Can Do for Regional History Studies ─


This research paper is “An Ethnography based on ancient document records”.
The old documents that I used as the material are five points written by the villagers in 1818 and 1819. 1818 and 1819 are the late Edo period.
These ancient documents were left in the Asadachi area of Shirotaka-machi, Nishiokitama-gun, Yamagata Prefecture. And they are part of 100 documents that were put in a document box called “Ooishitou shorui irebako”.
In addition to these documents, the author tried to write Ethnography using the historical records of the period and the folklore of the village. I also did fieldwork.
The author’s Ethnography found that 92.6% of the houses that lived in Asadachi village in 1818 and 1819 donated money and goods.
It was also found that the total donation amounted to 71.4% of the taxes that the people of Asadachi at that time had to pay.
And the people of Asadachi village were able to build the Nembutsu memorial stone tower because of the existence of senior leaders, senior leaders, Negotiator with unique talent, and powerful supporters That was also understood by Ethnography.
But the people of Asadachi village at that time were not rich. The villagers were not only despised by the buddha but also sought the healing of the spirit of many gods such as Suwa and Daikokuten.
The Nembutsu memorial stone tower that currently exists in Asadachi village is a symbolic form of spirituality rooted in such diverse lives.


Ethnography, ancient documents,folklore, Shirotaka-machi,Nembutsu memorial stone tower

