


Using “Active Learning” within the Learning Process in Classroom Instruction
-Aiming for the Development of “Undergraduate Potential”
while Studying Courses in Pedagogy-

鈴木強太 Kyota SUZUKI

This report implies a drastic change of my teaching
concepts and practices to prepare some student-centered
activities, so called “active learning,” into the three-phased
lessons: pre-lesson,on-going lesson and post-lesson.
Nearly ten years ago, I was motivated by two
educational incidents. One was DEZASEN, the Senior
High School Design Championship in Japan, originally
inaugurated by the Tohoku University of Art and Design;
the other was the final report released by the Central
Council of Education (CCE) of the Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. This
led me to reform some of my conventional teaching
concepts. In the design contest,which is a major nationwide
event, some of the high school students gave brand
new presentations based on so-called PBL, problem based
learning. The CCE was determined on adopting the
student-centered method: using “Active Learning” within
the Learning Process in classroom instruction as an urgent
policy. So I actively introduced newly designed lessons
based on the PBL-oriented approaches and adopted “active
learning”, such as debate, discussion, presentation,groupwork
and so on within the learning process.
According to data accumulated through questionnaires
in which students evaluated my lessons, in general, the
new teaching concepts and methods were accepted by the
large majority of students as a meaningful way to learn.



