


On the education of the free man

TAJlMA Masaki
Two gentlemen discuss on the education of the free
man. They talk about two ideals :the ideal of communism
and that of liberalism. The ideal of the communism
is the dream of the bourgeois society that
could not be pursued thoroughly by the bourgeoisie
itself. This ideal is clearly represented in the classical
modern arts,especially by the classical music
and romans. But it confronted with the limits of
the world-wide free market,because it is identified
with the ideal of the free market. It also declines as
the classical modern arts do.
On the other hand,the ideal of the liberalism contains
in itself a fundamental dilemma:the means
of the education (the authorities of teachers etc.)
standing against the ends of it(the free spirit independent
of any authority). Is there any solution
which can break this dilemma?

