


Current Status and Issues of Coworking Spaces in Yamagata Prefecture
─ For User Expansion ─

松村 茂


Due to the impact of the new coronavirus infection, the spread of telework, which has not been popular until now, is expected, and migration, freelance, and side jobs are expected, and the use and opening of coworking spaces is progressing. Nomad workers and their coworking spaces, which have been attracting attention as a way of working, have spread worldwide since around 2005, and around 2010, the wave surged to Japan, forming the first boom. Started as a private business in Yamagata in 2014. After that, coupled with the venture boom, local goverments have opened coworking spaces one after another. However, even though the number of immigrants is increasing little by little, users are still not riding the wave of coworking spaces. The number of users of coworking spaces in rural areas, not limited to Yamagata Prefecture, is considerably smaller than in large cities. It’s pointed out that the development of coworking spaces through regional revitalization is also important from the perspective of increasing immigrants and promoting entrepreneurship, and that it is necessary to develop new freelancers in conjunction with attracting immigrants and promoting entrepreneurship.


telework, coworking space, migration, entrepreneurship, freelance, side jobs, regional revitalization, ICT

