


From Manga Eiga (Manga Films) to Animation
-Choosing the Path of Independent Animation Creation-

玉井建也 Tatsuya TAMAI
吉田正高 Masataka YOSHIDA

Animation has been uniquely developed in Japan since
before World War II. Well into the post-war period, it
was called manga eiga (manga films). During the war,
critiques of manga eiga centered around comparison with
Disney films. These critiques were made while referring
to military aspects of Japan and its enemy, the United
States of America. Note, however, the main subject of
these comparisons and critiques was the insufficient film
making environment for Japanese manga eiga production
instead of the quality or details of the films. After the war,
as TV broadcasting began, critiques of manga eiga started
to focus on quality and the details. Note that they were
still compared with Disney films. Meanwhile, creators of
manga eiga reacted strongly against TV program creation.
As a result, two events occurred after the 1960’s. One
was the launch of Animation Sannin no Kai (Animation
Creator Group of Three) that insisted on using the
word “Animation” instead of manga eiga. The other was
creation of an independent animation titled “Tsuru no
Sugomori.” This animation was created to pursue creative
impulses and react against the poor working environment.

