


A View of ‘Lingua Franca’ Education
From the Practices Employed During the Reorganization
of the English Curriculum at an Art University

山口=内田雅克 YAMAGUCHI=UCHIDA Masakatsu

I have been working on the drastic reform of the
English Education curriculum here in Tohoku University
of Art and Design since 2007. This paper is a summary
of this research and practice undertaken over a period of
about five years.
In this paper, I will first introduce the entire curriculum
including the new placement test, the reorganized ability
grouping classes, and the opening of some classes with
specific purposes, such as an e-learning class for TOEIC
and a TOEIC Speaking/Writing class. Also, comments
from the teachers of each class are reported.
Second, I will offer data, such as the changes in the
students’ TOEIC scores and the number of the students
taking English courses, and provide some analysis of the
effects of e-learning or the trial TOEIC test.
Finally, from a wider point of view, I will discuss the future
of English Education in Japan from such perspectives
as English as a lingua franca, communication among non-
English native speakers, some effective uses of TOEIC,
the causes of slow learning, some validity of translation,
and the desirable class design in general English Education
in the undergraduate course.


カ、English Education、class design、e-learning、lingua franca

