


A lesson in graphic design history to foster thinking skills

ENDO Makito

How must we study history? We must study
it inquisitively — not by rote memorization of
information given by the professor in class, but by
asking why, referring to books and other resources.
The educator’s role is to facilitate the students’
learning by giving them some hints and providing
them with the environment and encouragement
to think by themselves, rather than to make them
memorize the contents of the lesson. In this capacity
as facilitator, the teacher must recognize that he, too,
is an ongoing learner. The author, being discouraged
by rote memorization style history classes, first
became interested in art history through his former
teacher’s lessons during his school days. Now,
approximately 20 years later, in that teacher’s spirit,
he developed a graphic design history class using
his originally compiled and designed chronological
timeline. This paper is a case study of the class where
students took an active part in the study of graphic
designers’ social roles throughout history. Through the
designers’ art works, they began to think about war
and peace, and other social situations spontaneously.
At the end of the course, the students made some
works with themes that they had decided by
themselves. From these, we can find some significant
evidence of students asking “Why?” and studying
spontaneously. Students always respond well to
teachers who prepare thoughtfully and present the
subject in a way that is stimulating and inviting.


