


─ 全88項目に対する東北芸術工科大学生回答(自由記述含)の
全体・性別・学部別グラフ一覧 ─
Comprehensive Data on the Questionnaire(2013)
Regarding“Images on Colors, Se

This paper is a comprehensive indication of our third
revised questionnaire “Images on Colors, Senses, Minds
and Spirituality” (Dec. 2013 to Feb. 2014) which consists
of eighty-eight questions. The questionnaire is composed
of six categories as follows.
(1)One’s likes or interests (Q.1-5)
(2)Emotions and colors (Q.6-15)
(3)The five senses and colors (Q.16-27)
(4)Family or human relations and colors (Q.28-36)
(5)One’s background or environment while growing
up and colors (Q.37-44)
(6)Spirituality (Q.45-88)
A. Life and death and colors (Q.45-50)
B. One’s soul, another world of after death (heaven
or hell), and recent morals or ethics of the Japa-
nese, etc. (Q.51-71)(selected questions which
showed load factors in our second questionnaire
in Jan. 2011 )
C. General questions on spirituality adopted from
Mr. Higa’s paper (Q.72-86)
D. Two additional questions of our own (Q.87-88)
As far as questions relate colors, we basically made
ten bar graphs for every question. Namely, all students,
male, female, School of Art and School of Design are
made into graphic forms which are divided in two pieces.
One piece is arranged according to the order in a twenty
eight-color chart. The other is sorted according to the
order of priority ratio.


「色・五感・心理等に関するイメージ調査」=the Questionnaire
regarding “Images on Colors, Senses, Minds and
Spirituality”、趣味・嗜好=Life and death and colors、
感情と色=Emotions and colors、五感と色=The five senses
and colors、人間関係と色=Family or human relations and
colors、生育環境と色=One’s background or environment
while growing up and colors、死生観と色=Life and death
and colors、スピリチュアリティ=Spirituality、霊魂観・
他界観・日本人の倫理観=One’s soul, another world of after
death (heaven or hell), and recent morals or ethics of the
Japanese、自由記述=free descriptions

