


Study of Population Growth Indicator without Effect by Population Size
~Applied to Mesh Data of Sendai – Yamagata Region

本研究では人口の規模に影響されない人口増減に関する指標を提案し、それによるメッシュデータでの分析例を示す. 分析例は、仙台20万分の1地勢図の一次区画範囲の1/2地域メッシュを対象データとし、2010年の国勢調査時点から2015年国勢調査時点への人口増加を分析する。

In this research, we propose indices concerning population increase and decrease which are not influenced by the scale of population, and show examples of analysis by Japanese grid-system data.
In Japan, the era of population decline has come and population analysis is becoming increasingly important issues for local governments.
In this research, we analyze the population increase from the census of 2010 to the census of 2015, with 1/2 regional mesh of the primary section range of 1 / 200,000 topographic map of Sendai as target data.
When examining the population increase and decrease in small areas such as mesh data, various values can be seen from -100% to very big percentage (+ ∞ if originally 0-person mesh) by population increase in 5 years. It is worthwhile to answer the question of which is more likely to occur in the original population and the increase or decrease from there. It is an answer to the question of whether it is more necessary for administrators to develop new infrastructure or expand infrastructure.
In this research, answer to the question as to which of these cases is easy to occur from the population growth number of data at two points of time. It is realized by standardizing excluding the influence of scale. Also, by making use of assumptions in the index setting, it is possible to analyze spatial changes of population change that is normally invisible.


人口変化 人口規模 モランのI統計量 メッシュデータ
population increase and decrease, scale of population, Moran’s I, grid-system data

