


A Corpus by J.Williams and the Arroyo Beatua

AWA Kazuaki

John Williams’monumental work, a catalogue
raisone of all preseved illuminated manuscripts
of “Beatus” (in total 27 copies of the Commentary
on the Apocalypse by monk Beatus of Liebana,
Spain), has finished in autum of the year 2003. In
this corpus (reproduced over 1800 illustrations
in 5 volumes) Williams extends to monographic
essays presenting many new ideas and arguments
regarding not only codicological problems, dating,
origin (scriptorium,scribe, pictor) of each copy
but also historical and ideological background,
stylistic,iconographic peculiarities of different
The Arroyo Beatus (Paris, Bibliotheque
Nationale, Ms.nouv.acq.lat.2290) is one of the
latest 4 copies made out around the capital city of
Burgos. Examining more than 15 miniatures and
some other ditails of this manuscript, Williams
points out, in Arroyo, that a vigorous Romanesque
style is beginning to gave way to “soften” Gothic
manner, and that changes in the standard
iconographic formula through a fresh inspiration
is evident. In this paper, regarding especially 3
miniatures of the Arroyo Beatus – Lam opens of
the 7th seal (f.79v.), Vision of Lam (f.56v.) Last
Judgement (f.160) -I will check the Williams’
argument of new ideas and devices for Arroyo
manuscript illustrations, in my position, in some

