


― 地域社会におけるテレワークとコワーキングスペースの考察 ―
Regional Society Opened by Telework Society
─ Consideration of Telework and Coworking Space in the Local Community ─


The advent of ICT such as the Internet, PCs and smartphones is changing the local community. Problems such as extreme concentration of Tokyo, regional disparities, and regional decline have been pointed out for a long time. However, ICT is once again shining light on the region. Business models that can be branded with small volume production and small volume sales are becoming possible. In order to revitalize the local economy with a small volume production / small sales model, the local economy has moved away from the mass production / mass sales model that has long been driven by the National Bra of Tokyo / Osaka. must be established. As a means for this, it is necessary to develop coworking spaces and use telework. We will bring in new human resources for migration and telework, and develop a coworking space that induces open innovation that fuses local people, things, funds, and information. The functions of the coworking space, the type of telework that contributes to regional revitalization, and the experiment of coworking space management at the Tohoku University of Art & Design are described.


Regional revitalization, coworking space, telework, migration

