
巨大噴火・津波の痕跡を軸とした17世紀アイヌ文化と環境に関する学際的研究2 青野友哉・添田雄二 ・永谷幸人・三谷智広・菅野修広




Interdisciplinary Study on the 17th-Century Ainu Culture and Environment Based on Traces of Massive Volcanic Eruptions and Tsunamis Vol.2

青野友哉 AONO,Tomoya
添田雄二 SOEDA,Yuji
永谷幸人 NAGAYA,Yukihito
三谷智広 MITANI,Tomohiro
菅野修広 KANNO,Nobuhiro

 14世紀頃から20世紀初頭までは、小氷期(Little Ice Age)と呼ばれる世界的な寒冷期で、17世紀の北海道では巨大噴火・津波も頻発していた。我々は、それらがアイヌへ与えた影響を明らかにするために、北海道南西部の噴火湾北東岸に位置する伊達市オヤコツ遺跡の発掘調査を実施した。本稿は2021年度に実施したオヤコツ遺跡の発掘調査の概要を報告したものである。発掘調査では10〜17世紀の小規模な貝塚と焼土、柵列跡、畑跡が見つかっている。中でも畑跡は2つの火山灰により1640〜1663年に年代が限定できるとともに、これまでに検出されていた有珠湾南岸域よりさらに南のエリアで発見された点が重要である。これにより、17世紀の畑跡は有珠地区の広範囲に存在し、アイヌの居住地と大きく重なることが指摘できた。このことは狩猟採集民であるアイヌが本格的な農耕も同時に行なっていた可能性を示す事例といえる。

The period from around the 14th century to the beginning of the 20th century was the Little Ice Age, a period of global cooling. During the 17th century, massive volcanic eruptions and tsunamis frequently occurred in Hokkaido, Japan. We conducted excavations at the Oyakotsu site in Date City located on the northeastern shore of Funkawan (Volcano Bay) in southwestern Hokkaido to clarify the disasters’ impact on the Ainu people. This manuscript reports a summary of the excavations conducted at the Oyakotsu site in 2021. The excavations revealed small-scale shell heaps and burnt earth, traces of fence rows, and field sites dating from the 10th to 17th centuries. It is important to note that based on two volcanic ash deposits, the field remains were dated to 1640-1663; further, they were discovered in an area further south of the southern Usuwan coast where they had previously been detected. This suggests that the 17th-century field sites existed over a wide area in the Usu district and there was a significant overlap between field sites and the Ainu residential area. This reveals the possibility that the Ainu, who were hunter-gatherers, were engaged in full-scale agriculture, as well.


17世紀 アイヌ 畑跡
17th-Century  Ainu  field sites




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