


On repairing the masonry wall of the castle Kanazawa

北野 博司
KITANO Hiroshi

This study considers.the method of studying them asonry
wall of the castle in the Kinsei era,taking the castle Kanazawa
in Ishikawa prefecture as a study case.The castle Kanazawa
shows a good condition of conservation of the masonry wall and
remain many literary sources on the construction work of the
masonry wall in the Edo period.The recent excavations and the
archaeological method made clear the process of repairing the
masonry wall of the Ninomaru Gojukkennagaya. Instead of the
archaeological excavation, however, I have proposed in this
paper the possibility to make clear the features of the masonry
wall and the changes of the techniques of repairing it with the
times, marking on a plan the areas of its repair and dating its
repair through the analysis of such literary sources as the
“Gotoh-ke-Monjo” and comparing this result with the actual
masonry wall. In conclusion,th e study of unifying the two
methods will be expected.

