


Color Images of Life, Death and After Death
Using a Questionnaire Method with Students of Art

久保田力 Chikara KUBOTA

We have been researching spirituality among the
students at an art and design university by way of a
questionnaire method that we have performed twice, in
2010 and 2011, at Tohoku University of Art & Design
(TUAD). This article is focused on a survey of their color
images of this life, death and after death, which consisted
of three questions (Q2-Q4). “If you were to put a color
to this life of yours (Q2), your death (Q3), and the next
world after death (Q4), what color would you choose?”
The results are as follows. In response to Q2, about 20%
of them answered “red”, and about 15% “white”, followed
by “blue”, “yellow”, “gray”, and “orange”. In response to
Q3 and Q4 the colors are primarily divided into “black”
and “white”. We made four kinds of charts for each
question by way of NCD color system. It is interesting
to see that the colors of life, death and after death show
the same result as that of human basic color terms, the
development of which were indicated by B. Berlin and
P. Kay from the viewpoint of cognitive anthropology. In
brief, “black” and “white” are in the first stage of color
terms in every culture, and then “red” appears as the third
color in the second stage.
Purple color showed a quite negative-sided character of
life, death, and after death in our research, contrary to our
expectations. We need to examine the complex sensibility
or the multilayered sensibility of artists, such as a sense of
body and that of spirituality, or that of intelligence and
sensitivity, as well as the sense of color.


生=life、死=death、死後=after death、色イメージ=color images、

