


On the “Vierge Noire” of Délivrande (Normandie, France)

AWA Kazuaki

At Tsuruoka Catholic Church, in the basilica, a
wooden-statue of Virgin Mary with Infant Christ
has been an object of veneration for the faithful
and pilgrimages since 1903. The statue, faces of
Mary and the Son both are painted in dark-brown,
is one of 6 copies (ca.1895) from the original
work, “Vierge Noire=Black Virgin” of Délivrande
(Normandie, France), curved in stone, very
famous in France and England since 13th century.
In following papers, on the “Vierge Noire” of
Delivrande, based on a field survey of mine (2007,
2008) and data for investigation, first I would
like to guess an enigma concerning the origin of
“Vierge Noire” in France. Secondly, I focus on the
“Vierge Noire” of Delivrande, regarding a history
from the beginning of the town Délivrande and
the statue, then I discuss on that the statue
would have been originally a type of Romanesque-
Maestà (strictly seated) (ca.1030/1130), but after
demolished by a group of Protestantism (1561),
it was restored in a new Normandie-Gothique
style (standing, employing a posture “dehanshee”
and childish movement of Infant Christ).Lastly,
I shall describe the scene of “procession” in the
Couronnement-ceremony at Délinrande (16.A ug.

