Planning and Construction Process of Osaka Castle Minami-sotobori北野 博司
KITANO Hiroshi寛永5年(1628)の徳川期大坂城南外堀普請について、計画から竣工、修理に至る経過を「佐藤恭敏家文書」「蜂須賀家文書」と普請丁場割図をもとに再検討した。
南外堀水敲82号壁前面の堀底から検出された崩壊石垣について、寛永5年竣工時のものとみてよいが、水敲側が当初4面構成で、82号壁が崩壊してから5面構成になったという説に対して、蜂須賀家文書等を再検討し、当初から5面構成であったことを論証した。Regarding the construction of Minami-sotobori of Osaka Castle in 1628, the process from planning to completion and repair was reconsidered based on the blueprint(”Yasutoshi Sato document”)and financial statements between daimyo who participated in the construction(”Hachisuka document”) and the sketch map of Osaka Castle at that time.
The original plan that Hidetada Tokugawa and Takatora Todo came up with in 1619 was a seven-sided stone walls. In 1625, when the concrete construction work was started, two plans, A and B, with different corner positions coexisted. The works in 1627 was postponed, and by the time the Shogunate began to materialize the construction plan the following year, the plan had been decided on Plan A. It was the appearance of completion.Keywords
Osaka castle,Kogibushin system,Minami-sotoboriPDFはこちら
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