



The “Empirical Attributes” of Materials Used for Creating Expressions
-Focusing on “Naturalness”-

劉 佳緒
LIU Jiaxu


According to the current situation of naming methods about “natural” and “artificial” around our daily existence, I think there is a contradiction between the modern efficient life and instincts of animals. I’m expressing this contradiction in my artworks by using “natural materials” and “artificial materials” designedly and separately. To show how close the materials used in artworks to the “Nature,” I hypothesize “Naturalness” as one of “Empirical Attributes” which added by the activities of human beings. In the same way, I defined the mass, hardness, luster, etc. as “Existential Attributes.” In this thesis, “Naturalness” of materials used for creating expressions in artworks is researched as an example of the “Empirical Attributes.” In addition, in this article the history of using “Empirical Attributes ” will be extracted from the history of art, based on Wu Hong’s historical research about the attributes of materials in artworks. Simultaneously, “Naturalness” used by Wolfgang Laib and Mika Tajima in their expression of artworks will be observed and studied, to analyze the expression method of “naturalness,” for reexamining the expression of “naturalness” in my own artworks.


naturalness, empirical attributes, existential attributes, materials, painting

